
Grade 3 Crisis

Back in grade 3, I got stuck in a sticky situation involving my faith - to say the least. It was weird, trust me. Like, I'm not even going to attempt explaining the gist's of it.

Anyway, there was a pinnacle moment in my mom's car, when I finally built up enough courage to tell my mom what was going on in my head. She basically gave me what I needed: tough love.

A dose of reality hit me in the face, and maybe only milliseconds after my heavenly mother virtually bitch-slapped the life out of my fears, this song began playing on the radio.

"Stop your nonsense -- listen to this song," she said.

Truthfully, I only heard the words "Lord" and "Jesus." That was enough for me. At the time, that was all I needed to hear.

...if you ever see me in real life and want to know what the hell I'm talking about, ask me. I'll explain it with as much clarity as humanly possible.

Here's the song that had a huge hand in helping me get over a lot of the anxiety I carried as a youngster.