G20; Protest - Riot Day.
The day began as any other... world leaders flying in on their magical carpets to the acclaimed Hollywood North, a.k.a., Toronto; legions of activists grouping together at Queen's Park, preparing for a massive peaceful protest down Queen St; rain drops and puddles, galore - yes, a regular, far from out of the ordinary start to the day.
This was the morning - nay, the day - I was destined to experience (with the YFS crew, York Federation of Students), and I chose not to go.
Do I regret not going?
Two words: HELL, NO.
In fact, I opted to stare blankly at my television all day, waiting for a bomb to explode.
...actually, kind of, because I MIGHT have run into my future husband (you know who I'm talkin' 'bout!) - and let me insert here that Craig Kielburger did an amazing job out on ground level, reporting on every bit of action, while taking on the duty of special correspondent for CP24.
Back on topic, I was so heartbroken by the way the #G20 protests ended up. One minute, I was watching a peaceful march, and the next minute, I was watching a riot! Literally, a riot!
The "Black Bloc Protesters", dominated headlines with their violent behavior, and totally overshadowed the purpose of what was meant to be a PEACEFUL protest. The black-clad individuals, completely shamed Toronto with their destruction of the downtown core - windows of virtually every store you could think of were smashed, police cars were set on fire, they began looting, hurling bricks and other objects at officers, and they even began to assault camera men, whom were covering footage of the chaotic events.
I totally get the need to want to be noticed, but Ghandi is shaking his balding head right now. What happened to Toronto? We're not genetically programmed for this! It's just not in our biological make-up! My mom even said she'd never seen anything like this in all her years of living here. And it's not like they had a point - it was like they were on crack (and I've seen people on crack, so I know what I'm talkin' about).
Not going to lie, I was pleased to see them smash the Gap windows - just sayin'. They totally did, so my job in life is done.
God, help us to keep our heads screwed on for the next week - and screw them tight.
Photos, courtesy of the Toronto Star.