
Competition Flashes It's Ugly Face.

Let's see: You're getting ready for an event, or you're coming back from an event; you were bored that day and decided to dress-up a bit; maybe you were perusing through a friends display pictures on facebook, continually comparing your mediocre looks to their glorious perfection - either way, you ended up in front of a camera lens, ultimately, opting to uplift your diffident spirit by taking a couple pictures of yourself to prove that you aren't as unattractive as the world makes you seem.

Every now and then, we feel the need to take three-thousand photos of ourselves, in the hopes of singling out those couple photo's, of which will represent the unique beauty we know exists within ourselves, and of course, upload them onto any given public digital medium for the world to see.

So, excuse me, while I treat myself to a "Sony Cybershot Photoshoot" to find the picture that represents the "best me," so that it might entice you to love/admire me more.

One sec:

Did it work?

Do these photo's represent me as a person?
Does this picture of me with my hair in my face, and sly smile make me more attractive to you?
Does this one picture bring about a positive change in your opinion of me?
Most importantly, do you appreciate my presence in your life more?

The answer to majority of these questions is likely to be a no - why? Because the psychology behind it, is your natural humanistic response is competition - it's understood in the anthropological world, that whomever is the best, is more adept to producing the most successful offspring. Your initial response is that of strategy to make yourself better, and thus, end up feeling the need to take pictures of yourself to put on facebook, so that the world may see you in a different light. Such a light that may make you better than the person sitting on your right. Such a light, that may make you better than who you used to be yesterday.

But, my question is this: How are we supposed to feel good about ourselves, if we keep trying to impress others, or compete with others?

The truth is that we never will feel better. No picture will ever be good enough, and soon, that picture on your display pic won't be good enough either.

My advice: Post a picture of yourself that YOU like. Do your best to not compare yourself to others, because we're all beautiful & unique individuals with something to offer this very big world.