Spent the entire day with a good friend of mine.
Talk to old friends I hadn't talked to for a while.
Fixing my bike.
Planning my awsome birthday party.
Got a call back from the psych office!
Went to Yoga (kind of).
Emptied my bowels.
Making cheese cake tomorrow.
Riding my bike AND going to Yoga tomorrow.
I've got a bunch of wicked idea's for my birthday. I'm so excited. It's going to be July 30th/31st (because one day isn't enough to celebrate my birthday OBVIOUSLY; Consisting of the beach on the 39th and Shuffle on the 31st! AND THEN A HOTEL! I know, awwwsoommmee.
Trish is pressuring me to tell everyone coming to bring a present, but I'll feel bad lol. "Oh and bring a present, nothing extravagent, just something small" ... that's kind of mean to me, haha.
I'm going to have the Dora pinata, and contests with prizes, and volleyball, and SUPER SOAKER WATER FIGHT (maaaayybbee), and balloons of course.
Trish was like, "invite the Yoga Guy - the GUEST of honor" LMAO.
I'm excited for yoga tomorrow, I wish I could have made it today. All that walking, and getting the mat's, and doing the camel stretch to miss how good he looked today... whyyyy?? Damn you numerous intestines!