
Memory Lane

Bear with me, ya'll. My blackberry (while still a smartphone) is the OLD version of the blackberry bold. I need the new version, ASAP. This, by the way, is a picture I took with my OLD blackberry bold. It's not that bad, but I still want the new one.

ANYWAY, if you're wondering why Mickey and Minny (?) - sorry, MINNIE mouse are dry-humping each other in the picture above (that I took with my OLD blackberry bold), it's because their dry-humping is relevant to this blog; rather, the cover of the note-book they're dry-humping each other on is relevant to this blog.

THIS, everyone, is my diary.

I, like many other troglodytic (here's a link to the definition: http://bit.ly/bpbIj5) children, kept a diary for all the same reasons you possibly did: To write about suppressed puppy-love, which soon turned into a channel in which I would dispel an unhealthy amount of disdain for my life and the people in it, and eventually, stopped me from killing people...That being said, I went through it today. I'd like to take this moment to remind myself of my loser-ism - okay.

Here's a taste of more to come:
Sorry, guys, can't find anything suitable, as of yet. I will, however, take the time took look through this annoying book and find you all something to laugh at.

The End.