
The Rant (One and Only) -- The Edit

You know what's annoying? When people make me hate other people, or inanimate objects that are only working to bring some exuberance to my mundane life. Also, these bug me:
  • The Conservative Government: You say you're 'conservative', but I don't see much conservation -- you're clearly radicalists, spending my tax dollars on everything in the world, but education and poor people.
  • Rants: Fuck you people and your rants. I hate blogs about rants, and now I'm ranting because of you fuckers.
You know what else is annoying?
Generally, when people feel they can always have their cake and eat it, too -- here's the thing, if I can't consume...

Five slices of watermelon, an extra-large sized poutine (with extra cheese), two pieces of boiled corn, two cheeseburgers and two full glasses of milk at the same time without puking my intestines out, there's no way in Wonderland that I'll stand by and watch you have your cake and eat mine, too.

Trust me. I will work my lazy ass to its core to make sure that your life is just as fair as mine.

End Note...
I understand that we are all human, we all do things we're not proud of, but if you're gonna dance, then DANCE; If you're gonna run, then RUN; If you're gonna eat, then EAT; And if you're going to be a bitch, then BE ONE.