Have you ever experienced the reassuring sensation and sensual wholeness of a healing hug? The act seems to satisfy a need to be nurtured deep within.
..and for that magical moment in time everything makes sense. All your worries, your stresses, your problems, they all go away. It's like the person hugging you is physically saying, "don't worry, I'm here for you, and whatever it is that's troubling you, know that in the end it will make you stronger, but while you're here in this interaction with me, forget, just forget and enjoy this moment."
I got one of those healing hugs the other day, from someone who helped me realize what a healing hug actually was. It was like hugging a lover who would soon be venturing off to war, knowing you'd never see them again. I had never felt so whole in my life. I felt a new mutual and genuine type of care I had never felt before.
It wasn't a healing hug because it was five hours long or they had rubbed my back in the process, because they didn't do that...It was a healing hug because they actually held me. Almost as if I would float away if they were to let me go. And for those few seconds, It filled an emotional void I had been carrying, and I only hope that everyone in the world feels what I felt someday at least once in their lives. Sometimes a hug is all we need.
- Meeee '-'