
When All Else Fails, Give'm A Warped Smile

See this warped smile on my face?

That's me trying to salvage what's left of my summer. No Caribana. No Salsa on St. Clair. Went out to Frequency once (and it was horrid). I haven't drawn or painted ANYTHING. I haven't even gone to the Zoo OR the Science Centre...

I don't even think I'll have money for that, since I have to pay my registration fee :S

Bleh, all that aside. I have been relaxing, which is good. But it's been a looonely year thus far. I'll admit, my 7 numerology year number of solitude is definitely right. So far, that's all it's been for me. Evaluating all the shit in my life, all the people. One thing's for fucking sure, I am NOT staying in Canada next year. I don't give a fuck.

One more thing, fuck all you people who screw me over. Remember, this is MY fucking blog, I'll say whatever the fuck I want to say. This is a big outlet for me, and if I want to say I don't like your red hair, then that's what it is. If you don't like it, DON'T READ IT. And while this doesn't pertain to any particular individual, I will keep it there, BECAUSE it helps me to declare my freedom and affirms what I sometimes forget - this is my outlet.