
Feel free to slap my other cheek.

Chubb treats me like a retard that shouldn't ridicule him in any way, my mom treats me like a little child with no opinion that thinks that everything should be my way, Baldy forgot he had a sister (that he VIOLATED lmao, shouldn't he try and make it up to me forever or something? I think he thinks I forgot ... nooo waayyy broo), Emma doesn't bring Xander around anymore ...

My point is that I'm not being paid the respect that I'm due in my family. I do a lot of shit in my home, and for my family, and I only expect to be listened to without being called stupid, being told to shut up, being yelled at, or be ignored. I do too fricking much to be slapped in the face aaaallll theee ttiiiimmeee.

If my mom weren't being menopausal/bitchy and Chubb weren't being a fucking asshole, my life would be better, but I can't have a civil conversation with my mother without her telling me that everything has to be my way, and I can't tell Chubb anything at all without him acting like a fucking 3 year old. If I didn't work so hard the last two years, what the fuck would they be eating right now? Uhhh, NOTHING probably. And I BURNED MY FINGER TODAY making YOU AND YOUR GIRLFRIEND food, you cunt.

I try very hard to remember that I'm not getting raped everyday, or eating once every 2 days, or wondering whether my house is gonna be bombed tonight; there are worst situations. Once I have a job I won't be thinking about any of this, but when the fuck is that going to happen. Like, Universe! I actually neeeeed a jooob ... I'm not like these fuckers who plan to shop with their money, or save up to buy some really pretty guitar I don't need (no offense). I need to pay my school!!! I have to help with my home!!! Like, I owe money mart lmmaaoo ... I only ask that I work somewhere that will garner growth (a.k.a not McDonald's)!!

Why won't you let me have this???