First of all, I desperately want Chanel frames.
Secondly, I had a dream about these Chanel frames -- 3 dreams.
The first dream entailed of me finding these exact Chanel frames in a thrift store, but in black. The second dream entailed of me finding these exact frames in a thrift store, but they were someone else (which I proceeded to apply the 5-finger-discount on, if ya know what am sayin').
The third dream entailed of me finding THESE EXACT FRAMES in a thrift store, which I bought as soon as I saw (then proceeded to buy a fur coat - faux fur, obviously!).
Here's the problem with all of these dreams... THEY WERE DREAMS.
I woke up pissed off all three times when I realized that I didn't actually own any of the frames.
The third dream entailed of me finding THESE EXACT FRAMES in a thrift store, which I bought as soon as I saw (then proceeded to buy a fur coat - faux fur, obviously!).
Here's the problem with all of these dreams... THEY WERE DREAMS.
I woke up pissed off all three times when I realized that I didn't actually own any of the frames.