It's around the 2:23am mark; that's when I begin to get restless (and ultimately end up writing one of these blogggies).
But, needless to say, I didn't come on here, on this grand night, to divulge on the restlessness I suffer (daily) around 2:30 in the morning, I came on here to spill my dirty woes helter-skelter, over your spotless, Mr. Clean bathroom floors, with the hopes that you privileged people feel sorry for me. Yes, it's true.
In all honesty, I'm envious of all of you, for various reasons -- completely inane, mind you.
Every. Single. One. Of. You.
And one day... one day, I'll have what I've always wanted. And when that day comes, I'm going to relish in it; I'm going to sink down into a pastel blue rocking chair, outside somewhere (probably, a mountain), smoke a cigarette, pat myself on the back, and say "I did a damn good job."